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No. 2 / (5) Investigating the Impact of COVID-19 on Singapore’s Tourism Industry and Economy
게시글 내용

Title_Investigating the Impact of COVID-19 on Singapore’s Tourism Industry and Economy

Author_Carrie Lee and Yoomi Kim


Abstract_T his study aims to find economic effects of COVID-19 on tourism in Singapore. Tourism receipts were used as the variable representing tourism, whilst employment (by sector) statistics and GDP were used to represent Singapore’s economy. The results indicated Singapore’s tourism industry did suffer for the duration of the crisis, as evidenced by the negative YoY change. Seconds, the result of regression analysis indicates that the tourism industry does contribute to employment opportunities, but the same cannot be said for its relationship with GDP. The negative correlation between tourism receipts and GDP needs to be further investigated and validated.

Keywords_Singapore, Tourism industry, GDP, COVID-19, Employment

[ADP_15-2]_표지[1].jpg [ADP15-2]_05.Investigating_The_Impact_of_COVID-19[1].pdf