- No. 2 / (5) Investigating the Impact of COVID-19 on Singapore’s Tourism Industry and Economy
- Title_Investigating the Impact of COVID-19 on Singapore’s Tourism Industry and Economy Author_Carrie Lee and Yoomi Kim Pages_69-77 Abstract_T his study aims to find economic effects of COVID-19 on tourism in Singapore. Tourism receipts were used as the variable representing tourism, whilst employment (by sector) statistics and GDP were used to represent Singapore’s economy. The results indicated Singapore’s tourism industry did suffer for the duration of the crisis, as evidenced by the negative YoY change. Seconds, the result of regression analysis indicates that the tourism industry does contribute to employment opportunities, but the same cannot be said for its relationship with GDP. The negative correlation between tourism receipts and GDP needs to be further investigated and validated. Keywords_Singapore, Tourism industry, GDP, COVID-19, Employment
- IPAIDipaid 2024.12.27
- No. 2 / (4) Student Leaders' Perception and Practice of Environmental Leadership Toward Sustainable Development
- Title_Student Leaders' Perception and Practice of Environmental Leadership Toward Sustainable Development Author_Rendel B. Batchar Pages_57-68 Abstract_Environmental problems are increasingly pressing the planet more severely than ever. The United Nations has called on member states to actively address socio-economic problems by considering the crucial role of maintaining environmental health in the pursuit of sustainable development. The youth are a catalyst for achieving sustainable development due to their willpower, dynamism, and creativity. Furthermore, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) provide avenues for training these young people as leaders who could help societies transition to a sustainability-inspired future. This study used a descriptive-evaluative method and a generic qualitative approach to determine student leaders’ perceptions and practices of environmental leadership toward sustainable development. The research involved content analysis of pertinent documents from student organizations and semi-structured interviews with ten purposively-sampled student leaders from the College of Education of a State University in Central Luzon, Philippines. The study found that student leaders manifest a foundational understanding of the concepts of sustainability and sustainable development. They also manifest a working understanding of environmental leadership, though it is not widely practiced, as evidenced by their need for planned activities fostering care for the environment. The student leaders identified the need for more support and cited f iscal, academic, and other process-related constraints as significant challenges hampering their practice of environmental leadership towards sustainability, especially in the school community setting. Keywords_Student leadership, Environmental leadership, Sustainable development
- IPAIDipaid 2024.12.27
- No. 2 / (3) Abe and Trump’s Legacy? Deconstructing Japan and the United States’ Strategic Narratives of the Indo
- Title_Abe and Trump’s Legacy? Deconstructing Japan and the United States’ Strategic Narratives of the IndoPacific Author_Švárová Kristýna1, Kolmaš Michal Pages_35-56 Abstract_T he article seeks to investigate the motivations for the Indo-Pacific in Japan and the United States. It challenges the assumption that there is a shared vision between the two countries despite their significant similarities in their terminology around the Indo-Pacific. Building on a strategic narrative framework, and the methodology of qualitative content analysis of Indo-Pacific related primary documents of both parties between 2016 and 2021, the article puts forward the argument that while both countries prioritize regional stability in the IndoPacific region, their narratives reflect distinct national interests and visions for the IndoPacific. While Washington’s narrative corresponds to its underlying national interest, Japan’s narrative encapsulates its vision of a viable regional order. These findings question the validity of the literature linking the foreign policies of the two countries and provide a rigorous analysis of the formation and proliferation of their narrative strategies. Keywords_Strategic Narrative, Content Analysis, Indo-Pacific, Japan, Shinzo Abe, the United States, Donald Trump, Free and Open Indo-Pacific
- IPAIDipaid 2024.12.27
- No. 2 / (2) 증권형 크라우드펀딩 금액, 재무적특성과 기업성과간 관계에 대한 연구
- Title_증권형 크라우드펀딩 금액, 재무적특성과 기업성과간 관계에 대한 연구 Author_박세희, 박우진 Pages_21-34 Abstract_본 연구에서는 국내 증권형 크라우드펀딩의 펀딩금액이 기업성과에 영향을 미치는가를 확인하고자 한다. 본 연구의 연구방법은 크라우드넷의 데이터를 활용하여 재무적 특성, 업종 분류 수, 임직원 수, 매출액에 대해 빈도분석 및 기술통계를 실시하였다. 재무적 특성, 임직원 수가 매출액에 미치는 영향을 확인하기 위해 다중회귀분석을 실시했다. 분석결과는 다음과 같다. 연도별 분석에서 자본금, 펀딩금액, 임직원 수, 자산총계가 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 자본금, 임직원수, 자산총계는 양의 상관관계를 보였으나 펀딩금액은 음의 상관관계 또는 통계적으로 유의하지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구의 함의는 증권형 크라우드펀딩 기업의 개념을 살펴보았다. 또한, 연도별도 매출액을 구분하여 각 재무적 특성과 임직원 수가 미치는 영향을 확인하여 증권형 크라우드펀딩의 성공기업 매출액에 대한 영향요인을 확인했다. Keywords_크라우드펀딩, 증권형 크라우드펀딩, 재무적 특성, 매출액, 펀딩금액
- IPAIDipaid 2024.12.27
- No. 2 / (1) Sorghum (Bicolor Moenech) Production and Sustainable Community Livelihood in Kedjom Community, Cameroon
- Title_Sorghum (Bicolor Moenech) Production and Sustainable Community Livelihood in Kedjom Community, Cameroon Author_Michael Vunyingah, Canute Ambe Ngwa Pages_5-20 Abstract_The paper examined the socio-cultural significance of sorghum (red) and cultivation and post-harvest management system in Kedjom Keku from the pre-colonial to the postcolonial period. The method of data collection comprised episodic narratives and structured interviews. 25 key informants were interviewed using a semi-structured interview guide. T he average age of key informants was 70 years. An open-end structured questionnaire was established to 60 respondents (both male and female). Descriptive statistics and content analysis were used to analyze the data. A proto-Marxist approach was adopted in the data analysis and evaluation of the existing literature. Walters Rodney’s (1972) “hand of the devil” (European capitalism and imperialism) in his How Europe underdeveloped Africa is very relevant in the context of extension services and imposition of exotic improved white maize variety during the Green Revolution, 1974. The abandonment of ancestral sorghum (bicolorguinea) cultivation from 1974, and impact of Western culture on the festivals and practices (sacred religion), like communal farming at the Fon’s farm (nsangnefon) and rituals (bvate-fam) at village cross roads and entrance to the palace contributed to livelihood crises. The bio-cultural seed as exemplified in the proposed Sustainable Livelihood Framework Model is a very important component in agro-industrial development. The bio-cultural seed could contribute 70% of agricultural output. Enhancing the capacity of women and SMEs (small and medium-sized enterprises) in the production of opaque beer, characterized by low alcohol content and high protein levels, through the incorporation of food legumes, cereals and tubers, is essential for fostering job creation and increasing employment opportunities. Keywords_Sorghum, Sacred religion, Binomial food technology, Bio-cultural seed, Sustainability, Kedjom
- IPAIDipaid 2024.12.27
- No. 1 / (7) Prospective Teachers’ Awareness and Perception on Integrating Education for Sustainable Development
- Title_Prospective Teachers’ Awareness and Perception on Integrating Education for Sustainable Development: Basis for a Training Program Author_Ryan Paul V. Lagman, Rowel B. Patdu, Gicelle Joy I. Perello, Glenda C. Magno EdD Pages_83-99 Abstract_The world is in desperate need of mending after all of the anthropogenic destruction that humans have caused. The Philippine government has prioritized and pursued education for sustainable development (ESD) to address the country’s pressing environmental, social, and economic challenges. However, the integration of ESD into the curriculum is still deficient due to the fragmented nature of the current integration. While concerned agencies are in collaboration towards crafting curricula that will make environmental education a required elective subject in college, baseline data is needed to make actions, especially concerning ESD, data-driven and hence more targeted. Using descriptive research design, this study assessed the ESD awareness and perceptions of 181 randomly selected pre-service teachers (PSTs) in a state university in Central Luzon, Philippines. The study found that 90.1% of the respondents were aware of the importance of ESD. Furthermore, the respondents generally agreed with the integration of ESD in education and showed an average level of ESD knowledge and a positive attitude and behavior towards ESD concepts. No significant difference was observed in respondents’ ESD knowledge when they were clustered as to sex. However, male and female pre-service teachers had significantly different ESD attitudes. On the other hand, no significant difference was found between the male and female respondents in their ESD behavior. Finally, ESD knowledge was found to be significantly related to both ESD attitude and ESD behavior. Key findings were considered in developing an ESD training program specifically designed for pre-service teachers. Keywords_ESD knowledge, ESD attitudes, ESD behavior, Education for Sustainable Development, Pre-Service Teachers, ESD Awareness, ESD Perception
- IPAID 2024.07.19
- No. 1 / (6) The Perceived Impact of E-Government on Government Effectiveness
- Title_The Perceived Impact of E-Government on Government Effectiveness: A South Korean Bureaucrats’ Perspective Author_Godfrey Mbabazi Pages_69-82 Abstract_Government effectiveness has long been a concern for scholars, organizations, and governments. Ineffectiveness in government operations often results in significant costs, particularly for the consumers of public services. This paper empirically examined South Korean public bureaucrats’ perception of the potential impact of e-government on government effectiveness. The analysis reveals that these bureaucrats believe internal e-government factors, such as ICT tools, IT management, and process innovation, significantly enhance government effectiveness. Furthermore, traditional components like business alignment and coordination are viewed as more critical to e-government success than technologically oriented factors like ICT infrastructure availability and skills. Interestingly, contrary to common belief, the study found no direct impact of political leadership, vision, goals, and business process reengineering (BPR) on e-government effectiveness. Keywords_E-government, government effectiveness, bureaucrats, perceived impact
- IPAID 2024.07.19
- No. 1 / (5) The Analysis of Green Open Space Policy in South Jakarta, Indonesia
- Title_The Analysis of Green Open Space Policy in South Jakarta, Indonesia Author_Rafa Nismara Dahayu and Erda Rindrasih Pages_54-68 Abstract_Green open space (GOS) refers to the areas of vegetation within urban environments, possessing a variety of functions beneficial for the environment, social, and economic aspects, necessary to coexist within urban realms. However, to establish the ideal GOS many challenges has been faced by some cities. Limtied attention has been given to the policy implementation of GOS, particularly in the mega city, such as Jakarta. Thus, the study of GOS policy is important to be conducted. This research aims to identify the status and challenges of the implementation of green open spaces in Jakarta, Indonesia. The study found that the current policies surrounding green open space in Jakarta and the provisions of parks in South Jakarta have not fulfil the ideals set by the mandated laws; this inability also highlights the challenges of the system management and devaluation of its existence due to the decreasing prioritization of government directives. Furthermore, this study underscores the progressions and attempts to improve the provisions of green open spaces, despite being incremental. Keywords_Green Open Space, Policy, Public Parks, Jakarta, South Jakarta
- IPAID 2024.07.19
- No.1 / (4) The influence of the Republic of Korea’s national image on Consumers’ Purchase Intention
- Title_The Influence of the Republic of Korea’s National Image on Consumers’ Purchase Intention: Focusing on Perceptions of Youth in Malaysia Author_Kim, Yoomi Pages_44-53 Abstract_Malaysia is an emerging consumer market. It is a high-income country compared to neighboring Southeast Asian countries, and is geographically close to Korea. This study aimed to determine whether Korea’s national image affects the purchase of Korean products in Malaysia. To verify the research hypothesis, a survey was conducted with 100 university students in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia’s capital. The subjects were university students with a relatively high education level, sensitivity to trends, and high purchasing power. Factor and correlation analyses were conducted based on the survey. As a result of the analysis, the factors were classified into three categories: political, economic, and socio-cultural. The results of the correlation analysis between the three factors and the intention to purchase Korean products were all significant; in particular, the economic and socio-cultural factors showed a high correlation. The study results indicated that promoting Korea’s positive economic and sociocultural image will be effective when entering the Malaysian consumer market. Keywords_National image, Purchase intention, Malaysia, Perception, Korea
- IPAID 2024.07.19
- No. 1 / (3) Impact Of Human Resource Management on Organizational Commitment of Higher Education Lecturers
- Title_Impact of Human Resource Management on Organizational Commitment of Higher Education Lecturers: A Case Study at Local Universities in the Northern Midlands-and-Mountainous Region of Vietnam Author_Hoang Anh Dao Pages_24-43 Abstract_The study was conducted to identify and measure the impact of human resource management on the organizational commitment of higher education lecturers in Vietnam. The research findings were collected through interviews and surveys of 223 lecturers working at local universities in the Northern midlands- and- mountainous regions of Vietnam. The qualitative and quantitative results indicated that five HRM factors, including recruitment, training and development, performance appraisal, compensation, and leadership, have a positive influence on lecturers’ organizational commitment to their universities. Among them, the training and development factor has the strongest impact while recruitment has the least influence. Based on this, the study proposed solutions to enhance the effectiveness of HRM practices to create high organizational commitment among lecturers to the university, and to retain and motivate talents for the development of the university and national higher education. Keywords_Human resource management, Organizational commitment, Higher education, Lecturer, Local universities
- IPAID 2024.07.19