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About Asian Development Perspective (ADP)

ADP is a multi-disciplinary academic journal devoted to the study of international development cooperation. Established in 2010, it examines global problems such as poverty, environmental degradation, malnutrition, disease, climate change, economic and social inequality, political suppression, human rights violation, and gender and ethnic discrimination. The readers and contributors of ADP are from a variety of disciplines including political science, international studies, economics, sociology, developmental studies, environmental sciences, education, and etc. The journal provides a platform that connects cutting edge academic research with actual policies and practices. We hope to offer an academic forum in which various issues are debated from different academic perspectives and help researchers and practitioners find solutions for the problems we are facing with.

Manuscripts should be submitted online at https://dbpiaone.com/ipaid/index.do
For questions, contact the Editors at adev@yonsei.ac.kr